Friday, June 7, 2013

Easy Bordered Napkins

 I've made a smaller version of the popular easy bordered baby receiving blanket (it's called a lot of different things). Using two coordinating fabrics you can whip up a set of four (or more) napkins in no time at all. They would of course make great gifts and since there are two layers are nicer than other cloth napkins. I think I'll even make some a little larger to have on hand to line a bread basket (or wrap a homemade loaf of bread to give as a gift), the list goes on.

For four napkins (finished at 15.5") you will need 2/3 yard of one fabric (the lighter on mine) and 40 inches (1.111 yards) of another fabric. The math goes like this if you'd like a different size: 

Finished size, less seam allowance (FS), inner square (IS) and back/border (BB)
Mine was: 16" (FS) - 4"= 12" (IS) and 16" (FS) + 4" = 20" (BB)

So for instance you wanted 20" napkins you would use a 16" square for the inner piece and a 24" square for the back/border piece. There is an 8" difference between the two squares, which makes a 2" border. 
Note: the 1/4" seams makes the finished size actually 1/2" smaller, if you want you can add 1/2" to your cutting sizes to allow for this.
One 12" square and one 20" square

Pinch centers, match and pin, right sides together. Sew 1/4" seam allowance across the top, starting and stopping 1/4" away from the ends of the smaller square.

Rotate one turn, pinch centers, match and pin center first. Pin out to the ends. Sew seam starting and stopping 1/4" from the ends of the smaller square. Rotate around and sew third side the same way. On the fourth side, leave about 4" open in the middle (reinforce the stop and start here).

It should look like this now. Press the seams out, line up the borders carefully before pressing the edges.

Press the corners down flat to make a crease. 

Close up of pressed corner

Open corner, pin (temporary), move backing fabric out of the way.

Re-pin across the fold. If you can't see the fold to sew on use a fabric pen or pencil to darken the line.

Sew the seam on the folded line. Sew all four corners.

Trim the mitered corner seams
Turn right sides out, carefully poke out corners. Press the corners first then the straight seams, then the whole napkin.
Choose thread and a fancy stitch, sew over the seams. This will also sew down the open part.

To use, give your napkins a fancy fold when you set the table. After washing you will have to give them a quick press, but they are so pretty you won't mind

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